This week, the 6th graders really focused on following our school-wide expectations. We took time out of our day to remind ourselves of what it looks like and what it sounds like to be respectful, responsible, and safe. Today, our share was all around respect. Each student had to share how they showed someone else respect this week OR how they show themselves respect. This showed students that it is just as important to respect ourselves as it is to respect others.
On the topic of school wide expectations... Our class earned their next PBIS celebration! We watched The Incredibles 2 on Monday for our celebration. Ask your 6th grader what they did to help us earn this celebration!
Additionally, this week we wrapped up our essay unit in literacy. Students feverishly worked to craft the perfect compare and contrast essay. It was incredible to see students' writing evolve from their first essay last month to their third essay. Now, students have the skills to structure an essay, include a thesis statement, embed quotes into writing, and wrap up their essays by making larger worldly connections. One of my favorite parts about this last essay was that students could compare and contrast their short story to another book or movie. I had some students even compare their short story to the Incredibles 2, the movie we had just watched for our celebration! I also had many students compare to books they have been assigned for school in the past such Charlotte's Web, Hatchet, and Fish in a Tree.
Also in literacy, students have begun working on Typing Club. This is a website that helps to teach students the home row, as well as a variety of typing skills. As a staff, we decided that our students will be required to complete 10 minutes a day on Typing Club, equaling 50 minutes of typing practice a week. Our hope is that this will help our students become more confident in their abilities as a writer in the 21st century.
In science, students wrapped up their learning about the water cycle by writing a story or creating a comic strip describing the never-ending life of a water droplet. Through this story or comic, students had to include at least 4 parts of the water cycle, emphasize the importance of the cycle, describe/demonstrate the role of gravity/heat, and include a glossary of important terms. Many students got SO creative with their writing in yet they were sure to be scientifically accurate.
In math, students are digging into units of measurement with a large focus on converting units. Students are applying past knowledge from our ratio unit to help them reason with these conversions. Today, students reasoned about miles per hour vs. kilometers per hour and realized that these conversions are important, especially if they are to ever drive in Canada! Also, students worked on converting teaspoons to milliliters using salt, as you can see in the image to the right.
Friendly Reminders:
On the topic of school wide expectations... Our class earned their next PBIS celebration! We watched The Incredibles 2 on Monday for our celebration. Ask your 6th grader what they did to help us earn this celebration!

In science, students wrapped up their learning about the water cycle by writing a story or creating a comic strip describing the never-ending life of a water droplet. Through this story or comic, students had to include at least 4 parts of the water cycle, emphasize the importance of the cycle, describe/demonstrate the role of gravity/heat, and include a glossary of important terms. Many students got SO creative with their writing in yet they were sure to be scientifically accurate.

Friendly Reminders:
- Bring in baby pictures for the yearbook ASAP! Each student will get the picture back.
- PLEASE help us fundraise so our students can get sweatshirts and enjoy a variety of fun activities for the end of their elementary school experience! The Little Caesar's fundraising packet was sent home this week. If you have any questions about this, please contact me.
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