This week, we started our very first book clubs. The kids met with their groups twice this week to talk about the book they have been reading for our social issues literacy unit. By the second meeting, the book clubbers were really getting the hang of having a book discussion with peers rather than just with a teacher. I was able to listen in on all of the groups periodically and noticed students posing thought-provoking questions, referencing the book to back up details, using their readers and writers notebooks to talk about their writing on the books, and so on and so on. Students have been self-reflecting at then end of each book club meeting and have been collaborating with their clubs to set a reading goal for the next time they meet.
Our next book club meeting is on Wednesday of next week. On Monday and Tuesday, readers will be exploring the idea of character traits that may collide or compliment each other and they will also lean about how the words characters say and their actions tell us more about their personality than we may see upfront. Character analysis is a big goal for us before our next book club.
Brown Girl Dreaming Book Clubbers Discussing

On Monday, our class had their last day working in the Maker Space. They worked in small groups to create a bridge that could hold a Sphero. From an iPad, students programmed the Sphero to roll across the bridge. They were presented with a challenge and OH MY were the results impressive!

We have also started our new unit on Earth's place in the universe. We started large by focusing on the universe. Students got to explore an online interactive model of the universe as a way to put into perspective its impressive size. Then, we stayed large, but got a bit smaller by looking at galaxies. We read Galaxies by Seymour Simon and then each student created a model of the Milky Way Galaxy using only tissue paper, coffee filters, napkins, coloring materials, scissors, and tape. Students were thinking about scale, location, and shape as they created their galaxies.
Thank you to all the families who brought in toppings for our ice cream social! You really helped to make it such a tasty and fun celebration for the whole class :)
Our next book club meeting is on Wednesday of next week. On Monday and Tuesday, readers will be exploring the idea of character traits that may collide or compliment each other and they will also lean about how the words characters say and their actions tell us more about their personality than we may see upfront. Character analysis is a big goal for us before our next book club.
Brown Girl Dreaming Book Clubbers Discussing

We have also started our new unit on Earth's place in the universe. We started large by focusing on the universe. Students got to explore an online interactive model of the universe as a way to put into perspective its impressive size. Then, we stayed large, but got a bit smaller by looking at galaxies. We read Galaxies by Seymour Simon and then each student created a model of the Milky Way Galaxy using only tissue paper, coffee filters, napkins, coloring materials, scissors, and tape. Students were thinking about scale, location, and shape as they created their galaxies.
Thank you to all the families who brought in toppings for our ice cream social! You really helped to make it such a tasty and fun celebration for the whole class :)
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