This week has been busy for the 6th grade! We officially started our new math unit about ratios and we have begun writing extensively in preparation for our upcoming 5 paragraph essay.
In math, students started out wondering what was the point of studying ratios. They thought, "When will I ever use this in real life?" From these comments, I made it a goal to make studying ratios as real as possible. This week, we have been thinking about equivalent ratios and how we can understand this by halving, doubling, tripling, etc. a variety of recipes. Today, students even got to create their own batch of green water by combining blue and yellow water. They had to measure out specific amounts, then had to double and triple the combination.
In literacy, students got to choose a short story to read and write about. The could choose between "Your Move" by Eve Bunting and "Everything Will Be Okay" by James Bunting. After they closely read their short story, students had to begin the essay pre-writing process. We are specifically focusing on writing about character, so we practiced writing about and expanding upon big ideas about the character. We also wrote long about what the character in their chosen story really wants. Our next step is to begin crafting claims and writing our first ever 5 paragraph essay!

Additionally, we have been focusing strongly on having a growth mindset. Sometimes we get down on ourselves, but I'm trying to remind the kids that we can still remain positive and think about how we can keep moving forward even when life gets difficult. Think POSITIVE!

Additionally, we have been focusing strongly on having a growth mindset. Sometimes we get down on ourselves, but I'm trying to remind the kids that we can still remain positive and think about how we can keep moving forward even when life gets difficult. Think POSITIVE!
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