Our big focus this week in science was how we can explain gravity in our solar system. Students began by defining gravity and making claims based on evidence gained from an online gravity simulation involving the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. From there, I created a model for the class to see if they could prove their claims about the connection between size, mass, location, and gravitational pull. That is just what the class did, but I wanted to challenge them more by making their own models to explain gravity in our solar system. Groups got together and created a physical model to explain gravity in our solar system, or they planned and performed a skit as their model. Students were referencing the claims they made in their journals, the simulation we watched as a class, and the model I presented. This showed me the incredible connections that this group is making!

We are about half way through our social issues unit in literacy. We have wrapped up our discussions about character relationships and are shifting our focus to discussions around social groups. Today, we discussed the difference between groups that we choose to be a part of (friend groups, sport teams, clubs, etc.) and groups that we are born into (gender, race, family, etc.). Students will begin to explore these different groups and focus in on the issues that arise based on beings a part of these groups in our society. The best part about this is that they will be exploring these ideas in their books and will have the opportunity to talk about it with their book clubs.
Today, we finished our math unit about data set and distributions. I started with this unit because the concept of collecting, graphing, and analyzing data is something that we will continually be using throughout 6th grade math and science. Students got the chance to collect their own data, put it into tables, and create a variety of dot plots, histograms, and bar graphs.
Our next unit will be about area and area models.
News and Announcements:
If you or your child would like homework to be sent home, please let me know. I have had a few students say that they would like homework, so please talk to your child about this and let me know!
Our habit of mind that we discussed this past week was listening with empathy and understanding. Next week, we will be discussing strategies for managing impulsivity. The habits of mind are transferable skills that all people need to practice, so please carry these conversations over at home.
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