This week, we focused largely on essay writing. We discussed structure, perfected our thesis statements, and learned how strong vocabulary can elevate our writing. Students are almost done writing their first drafts and they are looking great!
When we weren't writing our essays, we were discussing what it means to be thankful. Each student decorated a turkey and wrote what they are thankful for on the turkey's feathers. Most students were very thoughtful with what means the most to them in this world, writing down family, friends, shelter, food, heat, education, etc. It was humbling to see how thankful these 6th graders really are!

In math, we focused on creating double number lines to represent equivalent ratios. One of my favorite activities from this week was our constant speed activity. Students were grouped off into pairs and worked on figuring out the constant speed traveled over a 10 meter distance. Students tracked their total time and used a double number line to figure out the constant speed, or the speed they consistently traveled over the 10 meter distance.
Also, here is a silly picture of our class!
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